So the other day I posted a blog about Linda and how much progress I felt like she was making. I should've known better, it is a sure fire way to jinx myself. For her birthday i wanted to do something really special for her so I went on Craigslist and found a really nice victorian style dollhouse. Kimmie and I spent hours on it making it perfect. We fixed pieces and bought scrapbook paper to line the walls with. I bought her some really expensive, to scale furniture for it, and so did other family members for her birthday.
She loved it and I was so sure she would treasure it. Wrong. When I got home from class last night, Jake met me at the door looking defeated. I asked him what was going on and he said to go look on the table. There on the table sat every single piece of dollhouse furniture...broken. And not just accidently broken, pieces pulled apart, the food that was glued to the plates had been pulled off, the legs were broken off, doors pulled off of their hinges, foam pulled out of the mattress, it was crushing. The actual dollhouse itself had pieces of shingles pulled off, the paper ripped, I was appalled..and angry. Why would she do this? I don't understand.
She is destructive with everything. She has ripped off the tags from all of her new clothes so they have holes, pulled the sequins off of her dress up dresses, bitten off decorative photo frames, picked the stitches apart off of her comforter and pulled the fluff out, and the list goes on and on. I don't know if it is to be malicious, or if she just has some weird compulsion to pick things apart. It is so frustrating, and I don't know what course of action to take for discipline. For now she has lost the dollhouse, but it won't change anything. I am just so at a loss sometimes.
Friday, July 31, 2009
And One Step Back...
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Two Steps Forward
We have been in counseling with Linda for several months. We have a great family counselor who really helps us find ways to reach Linda, without judgement or condemnation. Linda had been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder when she was younger. That is a really scary prognosis as the behaviors that accompany it can be very extreme. She has also been diagnosed with ADHD. Our family counselor is so supportive. He feels you cannot properly diagnose a child with something like RAD until they are much older. That is such a relief.
One of the things about Linda is she is very affectionate..with people that are not a threat to her. What I mean by that is people that she doesn't see everyday so she is not afraid of getting attached to them and getting hurt if they leave. For those of us such as my husband and I, or teachers, ect, she is usually very stand offish, only usually showing affection if she wants something. A hug followed by a "Mommy, can I (fill in the blank)" It has made it very hard to be affectionate.
It is so easy for people to judge in this situation. The child that they see is not what the teachers, or we see. They have never had to be the ones to try and get her to follow rules, or do her work, or eat, or get dressed, or sleep which she never does. We get a lot of flack for being so strict. It is so easy to pass judgement when you have never walked in our shoes. Any expert on RAD will tell you that the child needs very clear, consistent rules with no room for loopholes. You may be able to tell your child they can ride their bike up and down the block and let it be at that. I have to say "You can ride from here, to here. Do not go in people's driveways, do not go in people's houses, do not ask strangers for anything, and do not leave your bike down the street alone." It sounds like a lot of strict rules to an outsider, however, I have learned from experiance to eliminate any loopholes because she has usually done one of the things I mentioned.
Another thing that is recomended is to enforce consequences. I cannot let her slide by with breaking a rule if it is one she knows well. To do so will only make her push it further the next time. By being consistent with discipline, she learns boundaries and actually spends less time in trouble. Everytime we have thought maybe we were too strict and let things slide, she has pulled major stunts that make the whole house miserable.
Like I said, it is so easy for someone to judge, but until you have been in our house for a long period of time, don't. There are reasons for every rule we have. They might not be the same rules you would have, but she is not the same as your child. No children are the same, and no parenting technique will work on every child.
I titled this one Two Steps Forward because lately, she has been hugging us just for the sake of being affectionate. There has been no "Can I's" just simple affection. An "I love you" has even crossed her lips several times and I really think she means it. I am so excited at this progress and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: ADHD, Parenting, Reactive Attachment Disorder
Monday, July 27, 2009
Our Other Family
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Happy Anniversary to a Great Couple
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What God Has Joined Together, Let Not Man Put Asunder
I have a friend that I speak to quite a lot. She and her husband have been having lots of fights in their marriage because of the actions of family members on both sides. I admit even myself worried that they were too young to get married, but they seem happy when they are not fighting over family and draw strength from each other.
She is a new Christian and we both were wondering biblically what to do in this situation. We both knew of the verse "For this reason, a man will leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife." Gen 2:24, but we got to discussing what that means. For all intent and purposes, it means the man forms a new household. He does not answer to his mother and father anymore, but to God as the head of his new household. I think this "leave and cleave" gets overlooked a lot in modern day society where conveniances such as cell phones and cars make it much easier to keep in touch. This can be both beneficial, and detrimental. It is beneficial for family members to keep in touch, but can also be detrimental when they are used to make strife.
In 1 Timothy 5:13 describes busybodies who go from house to house saying things they ought not to. This was happening with my friend. Soon more and more family members were interfering causing more problems within the marriage. I read an article on this subject which stated "Regardless of which side of the family the interference comes from, it is an assault upon the sanctity of the marriage and violates the "leave and cleave" of God's order for marriage. "
A husband who allows family on either side to interfere with the sanctity of his marriage, or to hurt, insult, or attempt to seperate him from his wife is violating the commandment given to husbands by God in Ephesians:
27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”b 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Eph. 5:27-33.
None has the right to interfere with the privacy of the home, nor criticize such. Remember your family member chose that person and made a vow before God to be joined to them forever. No one can be permitted to violate the sanctity of the family.
I have heard people argue that later in Ephesians is states to "obey" your parents. Read it more closely, it states for CHILDREN to obey their parents. My friend and her spouse are not children anymore. They answer only to God. God has instructed them to honor each other above all others. Family members cannot be allowed to continue to make problems within that union.
What about their children? I do not have a biblical answer for that. In Old Testament times children were treated like property of the parents and that is not usually the case now. However, children are part of the household that the husband is head of. It is his decision. Family members should realize that when you are griping about one spouse, remember that spouse is the mother/father of your neices, nephews, grandchildren, ect. They have a large say in who spends time with their children. If they feel threatened or harrassed or disrespected in anyway visits are probably a no go.
What about forgiveness. I am an absolute believer in forgiveness. However, you can forgive someone without putting yourself in the same situation over and over again. It is no crime to seperate yourself from toxic relationships to your household. I have said that before and I say it again. A person may forgive a child molester, but is not likely to leave their child alone with them again. That is an extreme example but gets my point across.
I hope I have helped better explain my position to my friend and I genuinly hope things improve for her in the future. The sanctity of marriage should be protected. She and her husband have every right to withdraw from people that violate it, especially if talks and arguments in the past have not resolved it. Whew, I know this was long, but I feel like I made my point much better that I did over the phone with her.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Multiple Blessings
Our doctor looking down at Noah and Mina moments after their birth. The relief and joy on his face says it all. This is one of my favorite pictures from their birth.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Incompetent Cervix, Infant loss
So Big!
The babies are growing so fast! It seems like I blink and they are doing something new. They are now eating solid foods 2-3 times a day, sitting up great, pushing up on all fours and rocking, mimicking our actions, clapping their hands, and trying to talk. If you go more than a day or two without seeing them, you miss so much.
Another kiddo who is growing so big is my nephew Zach. In some ways we profit from this as Uncle Jeremiah just packed up and shipped up a bunch of his clothes, but in other ways we miss out on so much. Last time I saw him he was just 3 months old, now he is walking and being a little ham. I can't wait until he and my SIL Dianne come to stay with us next spring. It will be so neat to watch all of the babies interact. I hope they can be as close to their cousin as I was to mine growing up.
Uncle Jeremiah, Aunt Dianne and Zach (wearing one of
the totally cute outfits they sent for Noah)
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Letters to Mom
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 5:30 PM 0 comments
VBS Kickoff
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
More Summer Reading Woes
Well the summer reading program is over. James had his reading done for weeks, it was Linda that would not finish. Last night was the end all deadline. Jake was taking them to cash in their bubble sheets and get their prize. All day long I tried to get Linda to finish reading, all day long she played around and fought me on it. When I left for class, Kimmie was here and she even tried. Linda just would not do it.
Jake came home and it was time to go. Linda was not done. Jamie cashed in his sheet and got to pick a free book. He of course picked a Magic Treehouse book which are his favorite. He also got his ticket that lets him in to the free day at Rock River Rapids. Linda will not get to go. I am so disappointed. We were hoping it would be a fun day for the whole family, but now she has to stay home. I just don't understand. I know she wanted to go, but I actually heard her tell Jamie that if she didn't get done, he should be able to take her on his pass. It is so frustrating. She skates through life trying to get everyone else to do her stuff for her. Even something like tying her shoes, she gets Jamie to do. I don't know how to fix this. For right now, maybe missing out on the fun will wake her up, but I doubt it. It is also so hard to know what is ADHD and what is Linda. I am just at a loss...
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: ADHD
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sick Kiddos
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Pulling All Nighters
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Be Fruitful but don't multiply
For all of my friends on the IC blog faced with hard choices. Incompetent Cervix is a devastating thing to be diagnosed with. Some women can carry a pregnancy successfully with a cerclage, other women face multiple losses. For us, any more children would mean 6 or more months of bedrest, another cerclage, and the risk that more than likely I could not carry again. In fact, they are not really sure how we carried this time. We were truly blessed. However, having already lost one baby, we had to decide if we could do that again. I know in my heart that I could not bury another child. There is also the fear that comes with the pregnancy. I spent the whole pregnancy in a constant state of fear and anxiety. It is a terrible way to live. We decided after careful consideration that I would get my tubes tied. Although it was hard to do such a permanent thing, for us we felt it was our best option. I get sad sometimes to know that I never get to experiance pregnancy and the joy of a new baby again, but I still feel it was right. I hope this helps some of you faced with this decision. Feel free to send me questions here, or on the IC forum.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Photos I Promised
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Game Boy Fever
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Birthday Blowout
What a weekend! Jamie and Linda had a blast on their birthday. They made out like bandits. Mike got them transformers and a high school musical microphone, Aunt Ronnie, Kimmie and Jordan got Linda dolls and a car for her new dollhouse , and Jamie a remote control car and G.I. Joe figurines. Linda got a CD player, CD's, a dollhouse, lots of clothes, jewelry, and tons of stuff for their dollhouse. Jamie got an awesome Stingray Chopper bicycle, tons of G.I.Joe stuff, clothes, stuff to make paper airplanes, and two remote control cars. Aunt Dianne and Uncle Jeremiah sent them each some cold, hard, cash folded into airplanes and hearts. (Very creative Aunt Dianne).
The Dinner was a blast, lots of family and friends. James and Linda got a free sundae, which was "awesome". They each had a couple of friends stay the night it was chaos, but they had so much fun. I will post pics later. For now, Mommy needs a nap.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 10:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Noah and Mina's Story-The Delivery
There was a ton of people in the room. Two NICU teams-one for each baby, several resident OB's since it was multiples, several nurses, and Jake. The begin the incision. In a few short minutes, Mina entered the world...butt first. (Stinker). She did not cry so the NICU team rushed to check her out. While I was worrying about her not crying, Noah was born. He let out a hearty yell. Soon after Mina began to cry. They were both breathing on their own and didn't need any oxygen. Mina was 5 lbs. 15 ozs, and Noah was 5 lbs. 10 ozs. Jake got to hold them first, then it was my turn. I didn't even feel the rest of the c-section or sewing up, I was too overwhelmed.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
This and That
Things are well under way for the big birthay celebration this weekend. We have finalized the plans for a family/friends lunch at an undisclosed (for now) location. The presents are bought, but still need wrapped, and stuff has been bought in preparation for the friends staying the night. They are very excited.
Noah has two teeth now! He is also saying "Mama" on purpose now. I think Mina will be the first to crawl though. She is trying very hard. The are also developing very different personalities. Jake's cousin Kimmie was hanging with us yesterday and Noah was totally teasing her. He would hold his hands up like he wanted her to pick him up and when she would reach for him, he would pull them back down and laugh. He did this over and over again. I guess he has his Daddy's sense of humor.
On another note, I am considering taking this blog private. I have not reached a decision yet. In discussion with family members, they have said not to, there is no shame in telling the truth. I agree with that, but if it keeps someone from using this as manipulation in a way to fire up people then it is worth considering. However, to this person I say "Nice try" if you are going to tell people I said something in here, maybe you should make sure they can't go read the truth for themselves later. Also, thank you for cementing to Jake that his decision was positively the right choice. If he had any doubts, or any thoughts of changing it, you pretty much ruined it. If I make it private, or if I move it to a new location, I will let those of you know on the IC forum, or by personal e-mail.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Things that make you feel old

Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Carnivals, Fireworks, and Swimming..oh my!
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Noah and Mina's Story-3rd Trimester
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cerclage removal, Incometent Cervix, Labor, thrid trimester