This was such a busy week . This week our church did Crocodile Dock for VBS. All four kiddos attended, and I was a group leader. It was really neat to see all of the kids soak up God's love like a bunch of little sponges.
Wednesday night was family night and the kids had cotton candy, sno-cones, candy, hot dogs, and then went crazy on the bouncers. Even I went through the inflatable obstacle course. I can't believe I did it because it was super high and I am scared of heights, but I sucked it up and had a blast.
The neatest thing that happened was Jamie got saved. He had been asking questions for months now, but just not the right ones. It finally clicked with him and we are so proud to welcome him into our Christian family.

Friday night we went and saw Harry Potter 6. It was ok, kind of disappointing if you have read the books, but still worth seeing. Our long-time babysitter and friend is home for the summer so it has been nice to get away a couple of times. I know we are going to try and squeeze in a few more times before she goes back to school.

Both babies are sitting up all the time now and Mina just cut her first tooth. They are just growing like crazy, everything but their hair that is, LOL. Noah has started getting his groove on anytime there is music and Mina just laughs all day for no paticular reason. Speaking of babies, I need to get them into bed now. More later...
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