I have just learned that a friend on the IC forum just lost her third baby to Incompetent Cervix. She lost the first baby very close to how we lost Mason. Then she had a cerclage with her second one that failed, then she had a cerclage, and when that one started to fail, another one and still lost her baby.
I can't imagine going through the loss of a child multiple times. I lost a piece of my soul the day Mason died. I imagine it would feel like being pulled apart little piece by little piece. No one can explain medically how Noah and Mina are here. When I had the major bleed at 12 weeks the doctor's were concerned, when I started dilating at 22 weeks even with the stitch we were given steroid shots because it looked very likely I would have them anyday, but day after day went by and they held on. We made it all of the way to 35 weeks. It had to be a God thing. There is no other explanation. As I hold them tonight, I pray for Hope and I ask that one day she can have her miracle too. 
Our doctor looking down at Noah and Mina moments after their birth. The relief and joy on his face says it all. This is one of my favorite pictures from their birth.
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