This weekend was my 10 year high school reunion. I didn't think we would be able to make it with Jamie and Linda being sick, but they were symptom free for 48 hours so we were able to go. We had an absolute blast! The time just flew by. It was held at a banquet hall in Wichita. The walls were decorated with old cheerleading and sports uniforms and our senior t-shirts. One of our teachers brought videos and pictures of our senior years, and a couple of people made a slide show of old pictures. There was a video of proms and lots of pictures. It was really neat because Jake and I were together in high school so we got to see lots of pictures of us as a couple from back in the day. They gave little mini trophies for things like most changed, least changed, most interesting career, and the most kids-which I tied for with one other classmate. Our senior english teacher had made us write letters to ourselves to be opened at our reunion. It was very interesting to see what I had written, although I am a little disappointed in myself for making it so short. All in all it was a great time with good food, good friends, and good memories. Here are some pictures of the night. I can't take credit for the pictures, one of my classmates took them. She did a great job, thanks Julie!

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