We had a lot of fun this weekend. Jake and Mike competed in a Blazin Hot challenge where if they could finish a dozen wings so hot that you have to sign a waiver for in under 6 minutes, you get a free t-shirt and your name on the wall. After Jake's face turned the same color as his hair and sweat poured from his body, he finished and now he has a t-shirt and his picture on the wall along with his buddy Mike as a token of their manly feat. I posted some pictures Jake's cousins and I took. We have never laughed so hard.
Saturday we went to see the new Transformers. It was good. It is not award winning, or thought provoking, but entertaining none the less. The food was good, and the company was great. Only about two more weeks until we can get out again for the next Harry Potter.
We finally got the nursery painted and are working on decorating it. I will post the pics as soon as it is done. We also tried baby food and here are some pictures of that fiasco. Hopefully they will learn to like it as time goes on.
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