Jake worked on the nursery last night and got most of the name letters and animals done. Later on that night I noticed I hadn't seen him in awhile so I went back there to find him. When I got back there he was sitting in the rocking chair with his head in his hands. His back was shaking so I thought he was laughing about something. I asked him what he was doing and he looked up at me and at that moment I realized he wasn't laughing, he was sobbing. I didn't have to ask, I knew why. Putting together the nursery just hit home all of the things we can't do for Mason.
Part of me envies him. I only have sketchy memories of the two hours we had with Mason. Morphine, shock, and blood loss robbed me of some of them. But I have to stop and think how hard it must be for Jake who had none of that. Just two hours with his son, the helpless feeling as we knew he was dying in our arms, but there was nothing anyone could do. The fear as every time they checked for a heartbeat that it may not be beating, and at the same time wanting him to be at peace and not suffering. They had to check for a heartbeat several times. Each time they told us it was still beating we rejoiced that he was still alive, but knew one of these times he wouldn't be.
Dad's are spectators in a situation like this and that is so hard for them. They want to stop the pain their wife and child is in, but at the same time are in so much pain themselves they don't even know how they are functioning. My heart hurts every time Jake cries and I wish so much I could fix it. The truth is we are so blessed with our other children, but there will always be a chunk of our family missing. I can't wait until Jake and I get to hold our Mason in our arms again.
Baby Tears
We cried tears when we learned that a child would be,
that our God had allowed you to quicken in me.
We cried tears with our loved ones as they shared our joy,
and we thought about names for a girl or a boy.
I cried tears as I thought of the things we would do,
all the things that your daddy would pass on to you.
I cried tears as I thought of each inch you had grown,
as I pondered the day that you'd make yourself known.
Then to think of the world you must enter brought fears,
once again little loved one your mother cried tears.
Something's wrong, I can tell - once again there are tears,
and I'll not get the chance of your love through the years.
Oh the ache and the sorrow and all of the pain,
and again, yes again my tears fall like rain.
Then his peace comes to me as I think of you there,
gently rocking with Father in His favorite chair.
Your sweet little fingers clenched tight in his palm,
and His Son softly singing to help you keep calm.
Our God knew your days before you came to be,
and He knew little one you would not stay with me,
so I cry, but I know that when this life is done,
I will greet and embrace you my sweet little one.
There's a time to be born and a time to die,
and the joy and the sorrow both make us cry.
~Connie Johnson~
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Baby Tears
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Busy Weekend

Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A Bereaved Parent's Wish List
I am on a support site for women with Incompetent Cervix. It is a place women go to for answers after their loss. Their are several new women on there who are recently gone through a loss and read this blog. I was sent this poem after we lost Mason and it still rings true now. I post this for them.
A Bereaved Parent's Wish
1. I wish my child hadn't died. I wish I had him back.
2. I wish you wouldn't be afraid to speak my child's name. My child lived and was very important to me. I need to hear that he was important to you also.
3. If I cry and get emotional when you talk about my child I wish you knew that it isn't because you have hurt me. My child's death is the cause of my tears. You have talked about my child, and you have allowed me to share my grief. I thank you for both.
4. Being a bereaved parent is not contagious so I wish you wouldn't shy away from me. I need you now more than ever.
5. I need diversions, so I want to hear about you; but, I also want you to hear about me. I might be sad and I might cry, but I wish you would let me talk about my child, my favorite topic of the day.
6. I know that you think of and pray for me often. I also know that my child's death pains you, too. I wish you would let me know those things through a phone call, a card or note, or a real big hug.
7. I wish you wouldn’t expect my grief to be over in 6 months. These first months are traumatic for me, but I wish you could understand that my grief will never be over. I will suffer the death of my child until the day I die.
8. I am working very hard in my recovery, but I wish you could understand that I will never fully recover. I will always miss my child, and I will always grieve that he is dead.
9. I wish you wouldn’t expect me not to think about it or to be happy. Neither will happen for a very long time, so don’t frustrate yourself.
10. I don’t want to have a "pity party" but I do wish you would let me grieve. I must hurt before I can heal.
11. I wish you understood how my life has shattered. I know it is miserable for you to be around me when I am feeling miserable. Please be as patient with me as I am with you.
12. When I say "I'm doing okay," I wish you could understand that I dont feel okay and that I struggle daily.
13. I wish you knew that all of the grief reactions I am having are very normal. Depression, anger, hopelessness, and overwhelming sadness are all to be expected. So please excuse me when I am quiet and withdrawn or irritable and cranky.
14. Your advice to take one day at a time is excellent advice. However, a day is too much and too fast for me right now. I wish you could understand that I'm doing good to handle one hour at a time right now.
15. Please excuse me if I seem rude, certainly not my intent. Sometimes the world around me goes too fast and I need to get off. When I walk away, I wish you would let me find a quiet place to spend time alone.
16. I wish you understood that grief changes people. When my child died, a big part of me died with him. I am not the same person I was before my child died, and I will never be that person again.
17. I wish very much that you could understand; understand my loss and my grief, my silence and my tears, my void and my pain. BUT, I pray daily that you will never HAVE to understand.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Summer Reading Woes and Food for Thought
I am having a problem getting Linda to read this summer. Linda reads at a level way below her classmates. The problem is her teachers and I don't know if it is ability, or lack of want to that is the problem. Linda will not do anything she doesn't want to do and nothing will make her. The kids are doing the summer reading program at the local library. James looks forward to getting his books every week and then gets home and devours them in a few days. He is really into the Magic Treehouse chapter books which are at an appropriate level for a second grader. Linda picks books way below a second grade level and has been known to pick a book to read strictly because it had a glittery picture on the cover. I have started making her get at least one age appropriate book every time.
When the babies take their afternoon nap, the kids go to their reading chairs and can either read, or go take a nap themselves. That is the only choices I give most days. A couple of times a week I will let them watch a movie, but they must do some sort of quiet time every day. Linda fights reading so much and to get out of it she will act like she doesn't know the words. She will sound out even the simplest words like "go" just to be aggravating. The problem is that now we can't tell what she knows and what she doesn't. I have heard her on occasion read the box of a new toy and be able to read all of the words just fine. This is very frustrating trying to figure out where she is at.
Another problem we are having is that she has lost weight. She can't afford to lose weight, she is too little to begin with. Now her shoulder blades and collar bone are sticking out like crazy. She goes through phases where she just doesn't want to eat, unless it is candy or something like that. She won't even eat cereal some days. So I had decided I wouldn't force her to eat it and if she didn't want it she could just wait for the next meal, but now she has lost weight. So I guess I am going to have to make her eat again. And by make her I mean have her sit at the table until she is done which can take hours. I am also going to try to push milk instead of water and find other ways to sneak calories in. I also thought about trying Pediasure as well. Maybe since it tastes like a milkshake she will take it. Hmmm, food for thought I guess.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Home Improvement
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
New teeth and pink eyes
Wow, it has been an exciting day. Noah cut his first tooth today and I was so surprised because he is only 6 and a half months old. I know that it can happen that early, but I was not expecting the rush of emotions I felt at the thought of one of my little babies being old enough for a tooth.
As if that wasn't exciting enough, Mina has pink eye. Another germ shared from our vacation. This is why we usually stick close to home. J/J, I know we have to get out sometime. We are just pretty selective about where we go and what we expose them to, but it goes to show you can't protect them from everything.
I am finally feeling better. The cough still lingers, but my bout with Alaskan moose flu seems to be over. I had to laugh today when my sister in law Dianne called and thanked me for giving it to her over then phone. Turns out she has all of the symptoms I had, plus her son has eye goop. She lives in Hawaii so me actually contaminating her is impossible, but we joked about us being so close that we must be able to telepathically give each other stuff. I couldn't be closer to her if she were blood so it makes sense.
This is it for now, I will get back to Noah and Mina's story soon. I am sorry I have slacked off on that and I have listened to those of you asking me to finish. I will try to in the next few days.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: AirHog, Father's Day, Wii
Friday, June 19, 2009

Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 10:48 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Back to Noah and Mina's Story
Ok, back to the story. Hopefully my life will be normal and not so filled with crazy from now on. So the cerclage is in, babies are on lockdown and back to bedrest. A few weeks pass with weekly doctor appointment. Everything looks good so far. Then at 18 weeks comes good and bad news. First we get to find out the sexes of the babies. Baby A just would not cooperate and refused to open it's legs, so we had to move on to Baby B. After much looking the baby spread it's legs and the whole room could instantly tell...it's a boy! Noah is apparently well endowed and not at all shy to show it. Back to Baby A, we only have one more glance to find out before the end of the appointment, we look....it's a girl! Mina is more shy about revealing herself than her brother, but we finally we able to see. We are thrilled. I had no preference about the sex, although I'll admit I was worried about having another boy and trying to substitute him for Mason. Although that has not happened, I am glad to report. I have heard it through the grapevine that even just a short while after losing Mason people were saying we should have been over it, or should just move on. All I have to say to this is that if you think that, you are a bloody idiot who should thaw your icy heart. We will never get over the loss of our son. We move forward, but you never move on. I cannot wait for the day when we are reunited. Anyways, back to the story.
I went from the sonogram to the normal appointment. The bad news is that I officially have gestational diabetes. Now I can add about nine more needle sticks to my daily routine bringing the grand total to eleven. Whatever, I was more than willing to do anything I had to do to save my babies.
A few more weeks pass and we make it to 22 weeks. This is the same week Mason was born. I was most fearful for this week. I was so scared to go to this weeks appointment. It turns out my feelings were accurate. I get to the sonogram and find out that my weak cervix has begun to cave under the weight of the two babies. I am dilated to the stitch. This means that the only thing standing between life and death for my babies is a piece of nylon thread. The worry is evident on my doctor's face. He says lets just try to make it to 23 weeks where there is a small survival chance for the babies. I am given the steroid shots to help develop the babies lungs in case they are born early. My bed rest is restricted even more, showers are reduced to eevery 2-3 days no longer than 10 minutes.
I was so afraid, every day was spent in fear, every pain, every twinge, could mean something was happening. I was never so glad to see 23 weeks, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 every week the medical looked shocked to still see me pregnant. I truly was having miracle babies.
Next time...3 rd trimester and delivery.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today was the babies six month check up. It is amazing how much they have grown. Noah weights 17.5 lbs now and Mina is 16.5 pounds. I was able to answer yes to every question except the one where they asked if they have any stranger danger. Nope, not yet. I really am not sure if they will. These guys have had the benefit of a wonderful church family who have loved them immensly since they were in the womb. Because of this they have many "grandmas" who love to come over and spend time just loving on them. They also have numerous "aunts and uncles" who snuggle them as well. It does my heart good when people come up and say to make sure we come to church on Sunday because they are working the nursery and can't wait to hold them.
They got three shots and this went much better than last time. We made sure we did not have the same nurse as last time so there was much less pain and tears. All in all it was a very productive day today. Exhausting, but productive.
The highlight of the kiddos day is when Jake comes home. Jamie and Linda love to tell him about their day and the babies just light up. We had a great evening tonight although we were bummed that the thunderstorms missed us. I have new pictures of the babies and kiddos that I will post soon. If you really want to see pics though, check out my facebook page. That will have the most up to date photos and a lot more of them. So just a short update for now, I hope to get back to the babies' story tomorrow.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
OK, I will eventually get back to Noah and Mina's story, but first an update. I have had the most marvelous week. It has been so relaxing and just plain nice. I am back in class writing my master's thesis paper. I was supposed to do it when I was pregnant, but I couldn't get the focus down. So I opted for a leave and am now doing it now. I was so overwhelmed with the requirements for the paper that I couldn't even tell where to start. Well I stayed after class and had a great discussion with the instructor and now I have a game plan. I feel like I might actually be able to do this now.
Another thing that has made this week great is Jake. He has been the biggest joy to be around and I feel like we have a renewed bliss in our marriage. A huge source of stress on our marriage, and one of the only things we fight about has been removed and things couldn't be better. Jamie and Linda were laughing so hard at us this weekend as we rough housed and played and laughed just like a couple of teenagers. Except for when we kissed..that earned a resounding "Ewww!"
Jamie has wanted a mohawk for quite awhile now. I had told him he could get one this summer when school was out. I figured this was a good compromise. He went with Jake and I was so nervous, but he came home with a faux-hawk instead. Basically it still looks like a mohawk, but can lay down like normal hair when we need it to. I was very proud and impressed with his choice.
I have been a huge fan of the Twilight books for a couple of years now and it is funny to watch people slowly start to get on the bad wagon. It was the same way with the Harry Potter series too. More and more people are beginning to read them and I finally got Jake to read them too. He liked the movie, but needed to read the books, well he has started and is slowly getting hooked.
Linda has had a great time at all of the kid's event our church does. She is really starting to blossom. We go to the park for lunch and play time with the other kids once a weeek and there is a kid's activity at the church every week as well. We are truly blessed with a great church home. Jake and I have been going there since I was in junior high and Jake was in high school and we are just loved and encouraged by everyone in it. We truly love our church family.
On another note, we will be spending time with my family in Missourri here soon. My family loves jake and so he loves to be around them. He and my Dad and future brother in law go fishing on the river, or hunting, or ATV'ing and just have a blast. My dad and I don't always see eye to eye, but in recent years he has become one of the few mentally stable male role models that Jake can relate to in both of our families. My sister will be there from Alaska and James and Linda love playing with their cousins. They are really close and I am excited to see them grow up as friends. Four days solid of nothing but family time. Don't get me wrong, we can have our arguments, but trust me, they are mild compared to what I have seen. I have the benefit of most of my family not being delusional and hypocritical. (My immediate family at least). =)
Another thing good about this week is the time I have spent with my TFC's. For those of you not hip on the lingo, that stands for Tatooed Freak Cousins which is what some of the in-laws refer to Jake's cousins as. Well, if you take time to look beyond the tattoos you will find some of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. His cousins can be blunt at times, but I much prefer that to people talking behind your back. They are genuine and we have a blast together. I just wish my sister-in law Dianne could be here in person instead of hanging out with us over the phone.
So there is so much more, but my fingers are cramping up from all of this typing.
Posted by Stephanie Shaw at 8:53 AM 1 comments