Day 3 post op and I am mostly feeling great. Yesterday Jake had to work so we had a gal from church come over and help out. We have used her to babysit before and she is great with the kiddos. I had a reaction to the adhesives so I had to take Benedryl on top of the pain pills. With her there to take care of the kiddos, I went and laid down and woke up four hours later! I haven't had a nap like that since before the babies were born. The only problem is that it made me wound for sound that night, but that was ok because Jake's cousin Kimmie came over and brought a tub of old photos that we went through. There were pictures from the 70's in this tub. I had a good time laughing at all the hair and outfits, and oohing over how pretty Jake's aunt's looked. Then we finally found some of Jake when he was little. He was so cute! I am posting one of my favorite pictures, the look on Jake's face while he is sitting on Santa's lap if priceless.

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