What a nice, relaxing three day weekend we had. We drove to Newton to the Carter's baby outlet, played lots of guitar hero, and cleaned Jamie and Linda's rooms. My friends Melissa and Cody are having a garage sale so we went through lots of stuff to prepare for that. The elderly lady next door's daughter has moved back in with them. They have a 10 year old boy and an eight year old girl. They are a little intense, but Jamie and Linda have fun playing with them. They spent every free minute outside playing. We of course had Wii nights and I got some cute pics out of them. I tried to get pics of Jamie and Linda, but they were always in motion so they came out blurry. Here are some pics of our holiday weekend.
Jake trying to get Mina to sleep.

Mina and her new hat.
The Little Drummer Boy.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
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